Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Finally, an Example of Intelligent Political Discourse

From commenter Blondie_4414 on nymag.com comes the most coherent, well-thought-out, rational argument against Barack Obama's presidential candidacy. Take note, Clinton and/or McCain!

"Obama the new ice cream of the month for some really stupid people.
What do these people need a roadmap to hell that this Obama will cause?
Read My Post Obama is a hack ( yes a hack) omg yes he is a phoney know nothing thats in the pocket of anyone that will let him.
Who pays his bills? Michelle Obama that wanta be bigger phoney?
She is no one you want deciding our fate and she is in the pocket of Oprah.
Follow the dots where he is concerned and they will lead to nowhere you want to go.
This is funny this no nothing no body has money of a few behind him like omg OPHAH Ring a bell? Oprah is just a lucky mental case thats trying to make herself out to be something she isn't. She isn't a nice person in person. She is a control freak."

Also, besides being stupid (a word she oh-so-ironically uses to describe Obama's supporters), Blondie_4414 is a total bitch, too!

Obama's Troubles Mount

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