Thursday, January 31, 2008

You chose your blog...wisely

I'm so far behind. It's 2008 now, I work in media, and I'm just now starting a blog. Maybe I'm lazy, maybe I'm old-fashioned, maybe I'm stubborn. Maybe I'm all three. And maybe -- just maybe -- some of my friends will get off my back for not being on Facebook or MySpace now that I have a blog. I promise to send out email alerts every time I take a piss to appease you loyal Facebookers, and I promise to make this blog the ugliest, most jumbled-up mess of a page possible to satisfy those of you on MySpace. I may even sell this blog for $10 billion. Well, probably not -- I'd hold out for way more than that.

"So what will you blog about?" you may be asking yourself, only because you feel like you should. And the short answer is, "umm...ya know...stuff." And the even shorter answer (but with a longer explanation) is, "a lot."

I'll try not to bore my readers (all one of you -- thanks, Joey!) with details of my life as much as possible. My life isn't that interesting to me, so why would it be interesting to other people? What I will do is share with you my opinions, insight, and comments on current events. I'll write about hard news, sports, pop culture -- all the stuff no one else writes about. I may review albums or movies. I may rank some stuff ("High Fidelity" is one of my favorite books -- why not?). I may link to articles from other sites that I really enjoyed. I may post a video here and there. But I most definitely will make you hate me more than you already do.


Anonymous said...

Worst. Blog. Ever.

I look forward to reading it.

Anonymous said...

I laughed!
I cried...
I sharted!

I wanted to be the first comment but someone who shall remain anonymous beat me to it :(

Anonymous said...

One of the best blogs I've ever been a part of (first blog ever read). It's always nice to see a good Fresh Prince reference. You are the man. Hopefully one day we shall meet again my friend.

slanning said...

Hey. Maybe it can make up for all the phone calls you don't ever initiate or respond to. You're a terrible friend - go to Hell! You think a measly yearly phone call at New Years is enough to make up for all that I've done for you. Go fuck yourself!

See you screwy, see you in St. Louis...or New York come Feb. 21 - you better believe it.

Lanning out